
I love Jason Boesel. He’s the best drummer of the 00s. And I don’t type that lightly– just like he doesn’t hit lightly. The Boes is the fucking best. And i’ve posted on him before, check out his licks.

He’s about to put out a solo album on which he drums and plays guitar- though not at the same time. Ha! Sorry, bad joke. Seriously though- Boesel’s contributions to the Mystic Valley Band record were among the album’s best. The guy just knows a good melody.

His album, Hustler’s Son, is out on Team Love on Jan. 12. Here’s your first taste, “Hand of God,” named after a heart shaped pendent Boesel wore around his neck when recording in Mexico with Conor Oberst. How awesome is that? Guest stars include members of the MVB, Orenda Fink, Blake Sennett from Rilo Kiley and The Elected and David Rawlings.

Jason Boesel: Hand of God

Conor Oberst & The Mystic Valley Band: Difference Is Time