I was introduced to Out Hud by my cutest friend, Susannah- her sister Molly Schnick plays the cello and sings in the band. (See my Q&A with Molly aka Jean on Jean). Out Hud is one of the coolest bands ever. And when I write “cool” I mean these guys are the perfect musical combination of dance music, indie sensibility, NYC on the line beats and pretty vocals. “The Stoked American” feels particularly good. It’s more psychedelic than the other tracks on 2005’s smash, “Let Us Never Speak of it Again” and the call and response vocals from Schnick and Phyllis Forbes are intoxicating.

The last line in the song says so much- about time and about experience- which is exactly why Out Hud is the shit. They tell it like it is- simply yet with complicated undertones.

“Hours turn to days you know, watch them and watch them and watch them go.”

In related news, !!!, which features members of Out Hud, just announced a September tour.

Out Hud: The Stoked American

Out Hud: The Stoked American