This is the most interesting and actually not at all far fetched example of how music writing can exist in the future that i’ve read in a long time. And of course it comes from Wired, such a great publication, that is also having some monetary troubles these days. It’s called “Can Device Integration Save Music Journalism?” and basically presents the idea that music writing and music information should exist on the same digital platforms on which we listen to that music- makes sense.

The writer imagines a Pitchfork App that syncs to your iTunes library and delivers reviews, and all other pertinent info to the music you’re listening to. And you can imagine how far it goes from there. With the technology we have today the options are limitless- and the number of app’s are, too. Aggregation can save the world, perhaps.

The conversation was born out of a panel at the Future of Music Coalition Policy Summit, which just concluded in DC. Wish i had been there.

With app’s there is also a way to get the dollas. Advertisers are very interested in getting on board.

But will actual long-form music writing work? Sure- short reviews, thumbs up or down and user recommendations can easily be a part of this. But what about long reviews? Can you read, say, an album or even a track review in the time it takes to listen to one song? And what about lots of reviews about that one song, if we’re talking aggregating lots of publications reviews together? Will the text actually get read?